Kids K Training
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Kids K Training

GOAL Foundation x Velocty running Club

Goal Kids K Training Program

Do you want your kids to experience the joy of the Ogden Marathon finish line, with a taste of the training that it takes to get ready for an event? Join Velocity Running Club for a fun 6-week program that will get your kids active and train for the Ogden Marathon Granite Kids K!
Our coaches will lead kids through practice 2x per week that will include skills, distance training, and games to get them ready for the Kids K on May 17. Registrants and family receive a discount code to participate in an Ogden Marathon event!*

Register Here
*Good for the first 50 uses only.


6-12, no experience necessary


Practices will be held at an Ogden area park twice weekly for 1 hour.

Granite Kids k

The Ogden Marathon Granite Kids K is a free event on May 17. Registration is separate to the Velocity Kids K training and will open in April.

Find out more information by clicking on the button below.

Free Granite Kids K

Kids K Training 2025

A fun 6-week program for kids age 6-12 that begins the week of April 7. This program prepares kids to race the Ogden Marathon Granite Kids K on May 17.

Kids meet twice a week with a certified coach to practice running skills through age appropriate games and development.

Practice sessions will go from 4:30-5:30 pm at the following locations:

April 9th & 10th - George Wahlen Park

April 14th & 15th - Lorrin Farr Park

April 23rd & 24th - George Wahlen Park

April 28th & 29th - Lorrin Farr Park

May 7th & 8th- George Wahlen Park

May 12th &13th - Lorrin Farr Park


April 7 - May 17


Each participant will receive a Velocity tech running shirt that is great to wear to practice and to the final event!

Parent training program

Are you ready to train for your own event at the Ogden Marathon? Fleet Feet Utah is offering Ogden Marathon participants top-notch training. Find their programs by clicking on the button below!

Ogden Marathon Training Programs

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